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ethic翻译-ethan 翻译


ethic是一个名词,指道德规范,伦理准则,如professionalbusiness ethic职业商业道德我想你要问的是ethnic与ethic很像,它也有不同种族之意,但偏向于指quot与西方主流文化不一样的quot。

work ethic 是一个词组 勤劳是一个美德ethics,但不勤劳也非品德败坏moralmoral 和 morality 一般都是指像十诫那样的严重的行为,比如杀人偷东西,是跨文化通用的 而 ethics 则是个人的选择,比如 Puritans 赞扬。

在日常应用里基本没有什么区别,ethic 和 moral的区别非常小,大部分英语国家的人也不会区别两者用法只要是形容人,两个词一般没太大区别当然啦,如果是形容动作,一般只用ethical而不用moral如果一定要找出区别来,下面。

At the end of the term our ethics professor gave us a testhe had told us to expect one and had warned us it would be included in the final grade首先,这句话的汉语意思是”在期末,我们的伦理学教授。

职业道德1 professional ethics 2 work ethic3 professional etiquetteExamples1 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts2。

职业操守 词典 Professional Responsibility professional conduct PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Work Ethic 例句1The teachers #39professional morality includes teachers#39 professional responsibility, the moral character and。

这是字面上的翻译,但是没有体现其精髓这句话原本是说好的医生通过道德让人民身心健康,中等医生用伦理使家庭和睦,下等的医生只知道治一个人的病也有说中医治人,下医治病的The best doctor works with ethic。

Substitutes for a Land Ethic 土地伦理的替代品 When the Logic of history hungers for bread and we hand out a stone, we are at pains to explain how much the stone resembles bread I now describe some of。

Talent, charm,and an exceptional work ethic 是主语 have rarely hurled 是谓语anyone 是宾语 后面是状语从句,强调程度或范围 其中as far as 是连词 引导状语从句,they 是从句中的主语指代Talent, charm,and an。

assistant registrar 助理司法常务官 双语例句 1 Assistant to Registrar Fluent English and Shanghai dialect with strong administrative skills in languages, excellent organisational ability and strong work ethic注册主任。

Narrators are both women for these two novels, but narrators all follow the traditional social code of ethic and Christianity#39s religious doctrine, so as to build and construct one#39s own authoritative position 虽然。

And when they ask me where I got my drive, my work ethic, my good hair, and my sense of humor, I say you as well I will always say this 妈妈,当人们问我这倔劲儿是从哪来的,我会告诉他们,是从你那来的。

Every day, parents and teachers ask me, quotHow do I build grit in kids? What do I do to teach kids a solid work ethic? How do I keep them motivated for the long run?quot The honest answer is, I don#39t know。

我们太常依照有很少或者根本没有事实依据的猜测而采取行动3not suprisingly, people in the northern part of the country, where the work ethic and the climate push the pace of lift ever upward, residence。

computer basis, bodybuilding training, hotel situational English, hotel management principles, hotel room service and management, hotel front desk service and management, hotel service etiquette, college English, the。

另外,对地址那一段可能翻译的不是很好,因为对广州的街道什么的不是很熟悉请见谅了Personal Information Education Degree Bachelor Major Information Management Ethic Group Han Political Status Populace Adress。

ethic翻译-ethan 翻译