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students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning !my great pleasure to share my dream with you today my dream is to become a teacheras the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freed;diverse geographically, culturally, ethnically, economically, and politically学生的特点能和一个多元化并且有趣的学生团体相得益彰很多大学都希望有一个多元化的新生群体,从地域,文化,种族,经济和政治的角度全面多元化;7 English is the most commonly spoken language in official and commercial public life, however it is only the fifth most spoken home language7 South Africa is ethnically diverse, with the largest Caucasian, Indian;Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union,a mix that includes Caucasians,Americans of Japanese descent,and Polynesians,among othersNative Hawaiians have held on to many of their;此句中ethnically修饰的是形容词diverse副词除了修饰动词,也可以修饰形容词。

and the 21st mostpopulous country, with approximately 64 million people About 75% of the population is ethnically Thai, 14% is of Chinese origin, and 3% is ethnically Malay the rest belong to minority g;英文简历中民族是Nation,汉族就填the Han Nationality就可以了此外folk,nation都可以表示民族nation 国家,nationality 国籍nationality 既有“国籍”的意思,也有“族裔”和“民族”之意而nation 的一般意思是国家;LocatedonthePacificcoastofNorthAmerica,itisborderedbyOregon,Nevada,ArizonaandBajaCaliforniainMexicoThestate#39sfourlargestcitiesareLosAngeles,SanDiego;1This is an ethnically diverse neighborhood, and some people that we spoke to said that they feel that the police isn#39t actually working to protect them这是一个种族多元化的社区,我们采访的一些人表示,他们;Write your own responses to the questions in Task 1 You can refer to 参考 the answers in Task 1a Why did you choose your major?b Apart from studies, what else do you do in college?c How。

ethnics主要用作名词,作名词时译为”人类 人种学ethnic的复数形式单词用法 1ADJEthnic means connected with or relating to different racial or cultural groups of people 种族的 2 ethnically ADV 种族上地 3;春节来历英语是Origin of Spring Festival1The Spring Festival is the first year of the lunar calendar Another name of the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival It is the biggest, busiest and most。

The elements of coercion and inequality, so central to cultural contact according to the colonialist framework play no role in this kind of convergence of racially and ethnically different elements of the same social class;The word itself, in its present application, is repugnant to any sense of exact thought ethnically, the art so described is immediately FrancoNorman in its origins, and between the Arian Goths, on the one hand;quot两个虽然都是形容词也意思相近但是diverse与被修饰词逻辑上表示为一种主动关系,而diversified与被修饰词是逻辑上的一种被动关系diverse形容词,表示不同的,多样的 diversified是强调被多样化之后的东西,强调被动quot;It is overwhelmingly residential and is probably one of the most ethnically diverse communities in the world In 2000 Queens had 2,229,379 residents and was second in population only to Brooklyn among the five boroughs。
