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ethical issue 网络 伦理议题 道德问题 伦理问题例句And is this an ethical issue?这是一个道德问题吗。


empirical Empirical investigation may reveal what ethical beliefs have been held in different time periods or cultures, but if we ask, not what ethical beliefs people have held, but rather which ones are true, we do。

not to be ignored, in moral plays an important role in building, it has its own characteristics language translation with other industries, have more occupational qualities, Ye shall Zunxun ethical principles。

一楼的那个是史怀哲版的,错了 弘一法师在圆寂前,再三叮嘱弟子把他的遗体装龛时,在龛的四个脚下各垫上一个碗,碗中装水,以免蚂蚁虫子爬上遗体后在火化时被无辜烧死看弘一法师的传记,读到这个细节,总是为弘一法师。

which has long been neglected in university education, is also an indispensable component Didier 1999 approaches to the issue of engineering ethics from a historical perspective, comparing the ethical professio。

I never put comfort and happiness as the purpose of life itself this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty 53我没有什么特别才能,不过喜欢寻根刨底地追究问题罢了 I have no what special talents, but lo。

This contentious issue has focused on ethical and social implications of the technology what the technology might do to the very meaning of human reproduction, child rearing, individuality, et cetera 大多数科学家坚决反对。

Definitions of Humanism Humanism is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity。

军民共建,警民共建精神文明创建活动 ethical and cultural building activities with the joint efforts of the military, the police and the civilians 开创了具有中国特色社会主义事业,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴开创了正确道路。


A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, He alone has to judge this issue, by letting himself be guided by a feeling of the highest possible。