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Professional dedication quotProfessional dedicationquot是quot爱岗敬业quot的近义词,表示对职业的忠诚和热爱例如,quotHe is known for his professional dedication and attention to detailquot表示quot他以职业忠诚和注重细节而著称quotWork e。

伦理英文为ethicsethic,英语单词,主要用作名词形容词,作名词时译为“伦理道德规范”,作形容词时译为“伦理的道德的等于ethical”短语搭配1work ethic职业道德工作道德工作理念职业操守2。

在这个例子中,“that the person places a high”可以用来修饰“A strong work ethic”,表示有强烈工作道德的人对某些事情有着很高的重视或期望例如A strong work ethic means that the person places a high value。

Step2BuildaStrongWorkEthic BuildingastrongworkethicisessentialifyouwanttodeveloptheabilitytoworkhardThismeansthatyouneedtobedisciplined,focused。


work at a feverish pitch自信乐观,具有高度的工作热情2Strong sense of working enthusiasm and responsibilities具有较强的工作热情和责任感3You are a team player with a strong work ethic and attention。

two drivers who have a very strong work ethic我们非常幸运,红牛车队有两位有着非常好的工作素养的车手单词解析Bull 释义n 公牛股市看涨的人lt俚警察 n 荒谬的话 n 教皇诏书 adj 公牛的鲁莽的。

Corporate greed that blurs its own ethical lines coupled with unreasonable demands on time can lead to having to choose between a stressful, demanding and consuming work ethic, and family obligations seen as moral。


不可以,这里they指的是前文talent, charm and an exceptional work ethic,have是have hurled的省略写法,因为结构相同故可以这样写这句话意思是天赋魅力和非同寻常的职业道德从没有对任何人有过像激励这位曾被虐待的。

quotVirgos\#39workethiccreatesthewearandtearofresponsibility,andtheycanoftenbeexhausted,sofresh,fun,sweet,andsummerystrawberrywillrevivethem,quottheastrologersexplained 占星家解释说“处女座的职业道德令他们肩负重任,疲惫不堪,因此清新甜蜜。

I believe in leaving work at five o’clock In a nation that operates on a staunch Protestant work ethic, this belief could be considered radical Working only 40 hours a week? I just don’t know many。

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Some people think that success comes from hard work while others agree that success has no link with hard work From my point of view, hard work can help people succeed and vice versa There are。

