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1、在英语单词的构成中,同样也可找到类似的一些例子如,把“work”“teach”“sing”“drive”等动词变为相应的名词分别为“worker” “teacher”“singer”“driver”后缀“er”表明这些词都与“人”或“家”有关在“telegraph”“telephone”“television”“telegram”“telegraphic;news of the discovery was telegraphed to the Harvard College Observatory on March 13, 193018Naming Venetia Burney, the girl who named PlutoSee also Pluto mythologyThe right to name the new object belonged to the Lowell Observatory Tombaugh urged Slipher to suggest a name;telegram 电报 telegraph 电报机,电报 telepathy 心灵感应传心术 telephone 电话电话机 telephoto 传真照片传真电报 telesales 电话销售 telescope 望远镜缩叠式旅行袋 teletext 文字电视广播 television 电视,电视机电视业 telex 电传电传机用户直通电报;托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生1847年2月11日1931年10月18日,出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,美国发明家企业家Thomas Alva Edison February 11, 1847 October 18, 1931, was born in Milan, Ohio, USA, an American inventor and entrepreneur爱迪生是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程;求常用电子元件英文名字不够的话,再给你发,你补充问题就行电棒diànbàngelectrictorchflashlight 手电筒电报diànbàotelegramtelegraphtelecommunlcationicablecablegram 通过电报机发送的消息电报。

2、英文Vote counter, general electric animation with printing presses, mechanical and electronic news, automatic compound telegraph method, double written four heavy telegraph method, making stencil carbonaceous resistors, acoustic analysis resonator, the phonograph, WeiYinQi, amplifiers, air;recorded music and motion picturesHis advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator Edison developed a system of electricpower generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industriali;你好,很高兴回答你的问题The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph pole You says that this has the felling of the summer very much The pencil in the hand come up the return back in the paper I permit with a few forms you is my who The taste cat of;changes included the use of iron and steel, new energy sources, invention of new machines that increased production including the spinning jenny, development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication including the steam engine and telegraph;The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas;投递给杂志社,英文报纸,英文杂志 报刊杂志 21st Century 21世纪报 英语角杂志社 英语辅导报 英语沙龙 学英语报 英文报纸 英语辅导报 21st Century 21世纪报 中国日报英文版 Telegraph电讯报Zaobao联合早报 SCMP南华早报 Independent独立报 TIMES泰晤士报Guardian卫报 Chicago。

3、英语缩写“PTT”即“Post, Telephone, and Telegraph”的简称,直译为邮政电话和电报,常在日常交流中使用本文将深入解析这个缩写词,包括其英文单词的全称中文拼音yóu zhèng diàn huà hé diàn bào,以及在英语中的流行度,约3149次引用它属于Miscellaneous类别,主要应用在USPS领域PTT的;电报英文是telegraph双语例句 1总统收到用电报发来的一份电报The President received a briefing by telegram2“我想发份电报”“好的,发给谁”“I want to send a telegram” “Fine, to whom?”3我们给他发了一份电报请他加入我们的行列We sent a wire asking him to。


4、Telegraph是一个英文单词,可以用作名词或动词作为名词,它指的是远程传输信息的设备或系统,通常使用电信或无线电信号传输Telegraph的发明标志着人类通信技术的一个重要里程碑它首次使得人们可以以比人工传递信息更快更准确的方式进行通信Telegraph的历史可以追溯到19世纪初期1792年,法国发明家Claude;奥萨马本拉登的副手,已经牢牢抓住了阿尔卡特即基地组织的控制权,重新建立恐怖组织网络,使其有能力对英国和美国发动更高级的恐怖攻击Intelligence officials have told The Sunday Telegraph that bin Laden has not chaired a meeting of alQaeda#39s ruling shura, or council, in more than two。
