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n +过分adj heartfelt, machinemade, selfeducated, batterypowered, computerdesigned, bloodshot, homemade, snowcovered, heartbroken, panicstricken, oxeyed, ironwilled, starshaped, honeymouthed, creamcolored, wartorn,n + ving 名词 airconditioning。

His jeans were torn and dirty, his Tshirt baggy and faded, and the soles of his trainers were peeling away from the uppers Harry Potter’s appearance did not endear him to the neighbors, who were the sort of people who thought scruffiness ought to be punishable by law, but as he。

irregular verbs是不规则动词英语单词中由动词原形转变为过去式和过去分词时不按词尾加“ed”之变化规则者叫做不规则动词不规则动词一般是古英语动词的不规则变化因其常用度很高,而一直沿用到今天者,或者是一些不规则变化的词根构成的动词,所以我们今天在学习英语时绝对无法规避,也不可能规避这些不。

hypospadias尿道下裂男性生殖器的一种先天发育异常话说这个词有点雷前缀hypo 意思Below beneath under deficient less than normal中文下部,下面,不足,缺陷 后缀spadias,源自 spad,spas 拉丁语意思something torn, from span to tear, pluck off 中文被。

潜水鸟Baptornis 尤氏鸟Judinornis 白垩鸟Coniornis 亚洲黄昏鸟Asiahesperornis 似斯堪鸟Parascaniornis 似黄昏鸟Parahesperornis 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 汤圆圆不圆妮 高粉答主 20191114 · 醉心答题,欢迎关注 知道答主 回答量11万 采纳率。

让每位读者清晰的知道各种方法的优劣得失,同时通过各种方法与探源法的比较,说明探源法是目前中国记忆单词最科学合理有效快速实用的方法 4本书对每一个字母前后缀词根和部分词汇都进行了“探源” 5本书在第四部分探源法英语词汇基础认知篇的词根部分,对相应的词汇进行了详细。


词根 muscle adjmuscular 肌肉的肌肉发达的强健的 nmusculature 肌肉组织解剖 肌肉系统 muscularity 力大肌肉发达强壮 双语例句 As we age we lose muscle tissue随着年纪的增大,我们会失去一些肌肉组织I#39ve torn a calf muscle我拉伤了小腿肌肉He tore a muscle in his。
