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telegraphed,telegraphed reports


“Please,” he telegraphed, “just leave it alone”。

1telegraph不可数 2你可以把for us当作一个插入语,忽略它,因为它并不是句子的主干部分,那么这句话就显而易见了The room is big enough to hold a meeting 第3句话的意思是他说他的quot归途quot非常顺利 journey home不是房车而是指回家的旅途。

telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

英语并列句如下例句I help him and he helps me我帮助他,他也帮助我Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her我们不仅给她写信而且还给她发了电报Neither I would consult him nor he would ask me for advice我不想与他商量,他也不会征求我的意见转折。

ve mortgaged all my castles in the airI#39ve telegraphed and calledI sent quotair mail specialquot, tooYou answer was goodbye And there was even postage dueI fell in love just onceAnd then it had to be with you,Ev#39rything happens to mebrought to you by McSilence。


Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her我们不仅给她写信而且还给她发了电报Neither I would consult him nor he would ask me for advice我不想与他商量,他也不会征求我的意见He failed many times, but he didn’t despair他失败多次但并没有气馁She has。

“I want to send a telegram” “Fine, to whom?”3我们给他发了一份电报请他加入我们的行列We sent a wire asking him to join us4他打电报把这个消息通知了我们He wired the news to us5他给我发来电报,叫我做点什么He telegraphed to me asking me to do。

telegraphed,telegraphed reports

I#39ve telegraphed and calledI sent quotair mail specialquot, tooYou answer was goodbye And there was even postage dueI fell in love just onceAnd then it had to be with you,Ev#39rything happens to mebrought to you by McSilence。

2 并列句的基本句型简单句 + 并列连词 + 简单句 3 并列句的类型1 并列关系联合关系连接词and, not onlybut also, neithernor等例句I help him and he helps me我帮助他,他也帮助我Not only did we write to her but also we telegraphed her我们不仅给她。

telegraphed,telegraphed reports