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1、ethnic 是一族人 如 ethnic n, ethical adj lifestyle = 某一族人的生活方式 ethical 是伦理 如 medical ethics =医学伦理 不知 你问的是 ethnical 还是 ethical。


3、\x0d\x0a“文化”的英文是culture ,“文明”的英文是civilization ,两者既有区别又有联系\x0d\x0aquotCulturequot English is culture, quotcivilizationquot English is civilization, both of them have differences and connections\x0d\x0a关于文明与文化的关系,学术界主要有如下3种意见\x0d\x0aOn the。


4、汉语中有这样的说法,但是在英语中很难找到对应的话,这是因为汉语大量地使用虚词,意思也比较含糊英语习惯用实词,内容也有很强的针对性越是越是对应的看起来是the morethe more的句型,其实在这里不太适用,因为the morethe more的句型需要主语,不加也行,就是看着不像英文这不像。

5、ethical relics, to spread ethical knowledge, to study ethical heritage, to enhance ethical culture and to promote unity of all Chinese nationalitiesThe Chinese Nationalities Museum presents various kinds of theme exhibitions and festival ceremonies to the public The presentation includes。

6、These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a lifetime In addition to affirming personal values, college students develop new ways to organize and use knowledge The challenges of academic life not only introduce them to new knowledge but force。

7、As one of the largest provinces, Sichuan has more than 15 minority groups living with the Han people Among these are the Yi, Hui, Tibetan and Miao peoples Each of these minorities has its own charm, ethnic style and folk custom Some of the ethical festivals like Leshan。

8、The clothes, the food, live, the line is the human most basic survivalactivity, from it the content sum which in each time, each country,each nationality displays The form, demonstrates the human civilization development allthe advancement and the standard quotThe food is what matters。

9、随着中西饮食文化的不断交流,中餐不仅是中国人的传统饮食习惯,还越来越受到外国人的青睐而这种看似最平常不过的中式餐饮,用餐时的礼仪却是有一番讲究的 中餐的餐具主要有杯盘碗碟筷匙六种在正式的宴会上,水杯放在菜盘上方,酒杯放在右上方筷子与汤匙可放在专用的座子上,或放在纸。

10、from the Eastern and Western worlds culture highly original works of a new interpretation by the current pressing contemporary problems and practice programmes, such as environmental protection, human rights, world peace and souls of drift and ethical values of the collapse, etc, is a。

11、规矩一,酒桌上虽然“感情深,一口闷感情浅,舔一舔”但是喝酒的时候决不能把这句话挂在嘴上 规矩二,韬光养晦,厚集播发,切不可一上酒桌就充大 规矩三,领导相互喝完才轮到自己敬 规矩四,可以多人敬一人,决不可一人敬多人,除非你是领导 规矩五,自己敬别人,如果不。



13、which are the crystallization and wisdom of civilizations of the Chinese nation and the base of linking of the national feelings and keeping up the unification of a country The intangible cultural heritages of our country, which includes the Chinese ethical spiritual value, mode of thi。

14、各民族只有人口多少和发展程度上的区别,绝无高低优劣之分每个民族的文化都有自己的精粹,每个民族的文化精粹都是这个民族历史发展的产物和人民智慧的结晶 民族文化起着维系社会生活维持社会稳定的重要作用,是这个民族生存与发展的精神根基 2尊重文化化多样,是实现世界文化繁荣的必然要求 一个民族的文化成就。

15、Poetry is the crystallization and the highest reflection of national culture, also it is the result of which the sedimentary and the accretion of the time and history culture The languages of Chinese poetry are concise the ideal conditions of Chinese poetry are exquisite In the。