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1、3“尽管虽然”,用来引导让步状语从句常用于倒装句例asheisasmallchild,hegoestoschoolalone虽然他还是个小孩,他独自上学4“正如按照”,用来引导方式或比较状语从句例wheninrome,doastheromansdo入乡随俗2as做介词1“如同像”例heactedasanofficial他的;2Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎垃圾和塑胶袋3This cathedral was regarded as a miracle in architectural history这座大教堂被认为是建筑史上的奇迹用作介词prep1As a cub reporter he would learn the facts of;I was coming in as he was going out我进来的时候, 他正出去尽管, 即使, 虽然Intelligent as you are, I suspect you will fail尽管你聪明, 我猜想你会失败像一样由于, 因为As you weren#39t there I left a message因为你不在那里, 我留了个信儿 现代英汉综合大辞典 as #x00E6s n;1 表示比较像一样,达到程度,以至于例句 It flew straight as an arrow它直飞如箭You are as good as you think you are你像你自己认为的一样好2 表示方式以的方式,按照如同,如同那样例句 Do as you are told照吩咐去做Do as we do我们怎么干,你就怎么干3。


2、2adv比较时用像?一样,如同指事情以同样的方式发生和?一样 例句Today, as usual, he was wearing a threepiece suit 像往常一样,他今天穿的是三件套3conj当?时随着照?方式因为由于 例句She counted more than a dozen in plain sight as the steamer drew closer。

3、21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2 15单元课后答案 完整版Unit 11In the sixandone half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概;1最先大家必须依靠一个软件As2in1,手手机上下载好As2in1 2安装好啦以后,点一下As2in1,开启它,键入自身的手机号和你的名字,点一下“再次”3随后点一下“明确 4随后点一下“再次”5随后键入短信验证码,点一下“明确”6进到手机软件主界面以后,点一下右上方的头像图片 7进到;使用时要注意第一个as为副词意为“那么”“如此”,第二个as为连词引导的比较状语从句常常用省略其基本结构为as+ adj adv +as例如The line AB is as long as the line CD is This film is as interesting as that one这部电影和那部电影一样有趣 Your pen writes as smoothly;1第一单元To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking Besides, learning by heart as many wellwritten essays as possible is also very important Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express。

4、你好 首先我们需要借助一个软件As2in1,手机上安装好As2in1安装好了之后,点击As2in1,打开它,输入自己的手机号码和你的名字,点击“继续”然后点击“确定”然后点击“继续”然后输入手机验证码,点击“确定”进入软件主界面之后,点击右上角的“头像”进入之后,可以查看自己的虚拟手机号;adv副词To the same extent or degree equally同等地,一样地同一限度或程度地同等地The child sang as sweetly as a nightingale这孩子歌唱得同夜莺般婉转 For instance例如large carnivores, as the bear or lion大的食肉动物,如熊或狮子 When taken into consideration in a;eg I I thought of it just as you opened your mouth II Just as the flying worm hit her face, she gave a loud cry4 后接名词表示某一年龄段时,用aseg As a young man, he was active in sports 2 as=since, 作“既然”“由于”解,引导原因状语从句,常用来。

5、as的用法总结如下1asas意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较,其中接形容词或副词的原级,使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词,其基本结构为as+ adj adv +as例句I am as tall as you我和你一样高2在否定句中,第一个 as 也可换成 so其否定式为not。


6、” XI 1 When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72yearold retired professor was overwhelmed by grief Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on 2 Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London Many people;Your ideas are completely in line with hisUnit 81 诚然,没有人是完美的,但我们总是可以做得更好It is true that no one is perfect, but we can always do better2 莫扎特常被称为有史以来最伟大的音乐家之一Mozart is often referred to as one of the greatest musicians of all;1 7 回到手机程序界面,点击设置2 7 进入设置,点击上面的账户3 7 进入账户界面,点击itunes store 与app stroe进入4 7 点击你的apple ID,选择注销,然后登陆你的美区的ID5 7 登陆成功,点击放大镜进入搜索界面6 7 搜索界面搜索astrill client找到后点击get7 7 这样就。