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1、PAP本来目前是没有英文缩写的英文是paper plane 或者paper airplane如果缩写成PP是包邮速递的缩写您如果真要英文的纸飞机的简写,我自己就给您造了一个大写的PAP,希望能帮您能派上用场,也非常希望能帮到您说不定您用了我造的这个缩写,以后大家都这样用了。

2、paper plane =纸飞机,没有简写。

3、纸飞机,paper plane下面的虽然不是但是也写得很好I#39ll fly like a paper, get high like planes 我会像纸一样轻盈地飞起来,像飞机一样高 Catch me at the border, I got visas in my name 在过境时抓住我,但我有写着我的名字的签证 If you come around here, I#39ll make#39。


4、纸飞机 影片中用了两个英文单字来描述纸飞机paper airplane 和 paper aircraft,这边要注意的是 aircraft 的意思更为广泛,用来指飞行器,所以不论是飞机airplane 或直升机helicopter 都可以算是 aircraft 喔那么,又要怎么形容丢纸飞机这个动作呢一般我们会用 throw 这个单字喔。

5、Paper plane paper plane 纸飞机 纸飞机 How soft and light you are 轻轻的纸飞机 Gracefully flying your wings’pair 它多么的优美 Look as ,if to a land rare 看似漫无目的的在飞 Yet, you are always there 却又总会着地 Mission is what this plane bear 它总有它的使命 So let this。

6、折纸飞机英语Origami Aircraft例句quotCan you show me how to make a paper airplane?quot你能教我怎么折纸飞机吗quotI used to love making paper airplanes when I was a kidquot我小时候喜欢折纸飞机quotI made a paper airplane and flew it across the roomquot我折了一架纸飞机,把。

7、Paper Plane Paper plane, paper plane How soft light you are How to ride you in the air up to high clouds fair reach abroad of heavenly realm Paper plane, paper plane How soft light you are gracefully flying your#39s wings#39 pair look as if to a land rare yet you are always。

8、折纸飞机的英语是make a paper airplane折纸飞机是由纸张折成各种形状,以便飞行的小型模型飞机只要是纸做的飞机,都可以叫纸飞机折纸飞机它是航空类折纸手工中的最常见形式,属于折纸手工的一个分支,也属于纸飞机的一种由于它是最容易掌握的一种折纸类型,所以深受初学者乃至高手的喜爱双语。



10、Cusp plane quot It is the first step in the paper two the longest edge folding, open it again The second step the upper left and upper right corner to the midline The third step is the folded corner folded down, folded remember this step, on both sides there is no。

11、应该在24集中 Paper Plane Paper plane纸飞机paper plane paper plane纸飞机,纸飞机how soft light you are轻轻的纸飞机hope to ride you in the air真想骑着你up to the high doutch fair载我向那高处飞reach abode of heavenly realm飞往一处桃源地paper plane。



14、有一首英文歌中文名叫烟火,是一个女孩唱的,我只知道这些,求英文名,谢谢 katy pary?求首英文歌中文名叫“纸飞机” Paper Plane popamericanamp3%20%20paper%20planesmp3 有一首英文歌中文名字叫做女人心 有女人心这盘英文碟,收录有卡萨不兰卡集市。


16、我试过完美放弃,的确很踏实 2Event of a lightning bolt, I would mind a blank, hand, foot and weakness 遇上晴天霹雳,我也会头脑空白,手足无力3Love to have a long fingertips 爱情能有多久 不过是弹指间的事 4Paper plane fly farther take away my heart 纸飞机飞的再远带不。