1、minof ethanol exposure no recurrence at 2–16 years of followup Abdom RadiolNY 2016 41 1776–178110 Jang C, Park S, Tak W;ethanol metabolism in Japanese volunteers Br J Clin Pharmacol 1988 26, 96–915Holtmann G, Singer MV Histamine H2 receptor;ethanol concentrations in humansJ J Anal Toxicol, 1993, 17 23354 邓启采血管中添加剂与血样中乙醇含量的相关性研究J 法制。
2、Ethanol concentration obtained by singleyeastfermentation, B Ethanol concentration obtained by fermentation by yeast mixedwith AO;in ethanol concentration influence red wine astringency, and yet the effect of ethanol on wine tannin–salivary protein interactions is not well understood。
3、waterinethanol electrolyte with a normal salt concentration”的文章本文中设计了一种低成本的丹尼尔型钠锌离子混合电池NaZn;Summary The taurine concentration in the brain was decreased in ethanoldependent rats, but returned to normal soon after withdrawal of ethanol It was not affected by acute ethanol。
4、ethanol concentration, inset is the gas response of the sensors to 001–1 ppm j At different interfering gases at 400 °C k Stability;ethanol concentration of 50%, liquidsolid ratio of 501, extraction temperature of 90 °C, extraction for 4 h Under these conditions, the;intraluminal ethanol concentrations stomach and duodenum in fed healthy volunteers after the consumption of common alcoholic beverages beer, wine, and whisky The results of。
5、the concentration of ethanol in exhaled breath Inventors Anglin Jr, Timothy Clay Durham, NC, US Bemer, Timothy D New York, NY, US Jensen, Joseph C。
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