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27 telegram, telegraph 当电报解时,telegram指具体的,telegraph指抽象的 a telegram, by telegraph28 trip, journey, travel, voyage travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey指稍长的旅途,voyage指海上航行 a threeday trip29 sport, game sport多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,游泳,打猎,赛马等game;你百度搜“单词风暴官网”,下载一个“单词风暴”,选择里面你要的书,然后用标记助手,用*空格*,点批量选择,你要的词组就都出来了,特别简单滴 ,每个词组都有例句配着的 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 更多回答1 其他类似问题 20070905 初中英语所有词组和短语用法 174 201011。

超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿车war miner is here!战斗矿车在此!汗! 天启坦克it is the judgement day!今天就是审判日;其实现在应用市场很多浏览器都有页面翻译功能,你可以多下载几个试下,楼上网友推荐的Eotu浏览器,我也用过,支持将难懂的外文网页一键翻译为中文或是你能看懂的其他语言,只要你手机设置的目标语言是中文,地址输入外文网址,页面加载后就能看到中文了,很便捷。

11打开手机上的双子星浏览器,点击最上方的搜索栏2直接输入想要下载的软件,在弹出来的选项中,点击自己想要的软件,再点击下载即可苹果和安卓是独立的两个系统,同一个应用也是不通用的,所以苹果手机只能到appstore里通过搜索应用名称下载安装从外部下载必须选择苹果的安装文件4先下载一个市场类软件;整体quotThe first time that the question “What is at the bottom of the oceans?” had to beanswered with any commercial consequence“这是整个大句子的主语 was是大句子的系动词 quot when the laying of a telegraphcable from Europe to America was proposedquot是表语 整个句子是主系表结构。


minimal #3990s what quotAmerican Psychoquot did for the Wall Street greed of the #3980s You name it, he manages to get it all inquot quotVoguequot quotGets under the skin of our celebrity culture in a way that is both illuminating and frighteningquot quotDaily Telegraphquot quotA Bonfire of t;14 这位曾经将车3次撞向了电线杆的女士是我妈妈The lady had the car 3 times hit a telegraph pole is my motherThe lady who ever had her car hit the telegraphpole for three times is my mother 15 在我超过了哪两我买不起的车后,我想司机挥了挥手In my more than two。


1、VQF即TwinVQTransformdomain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization,是由NTTNippon Telegraph and Telephone与Yamaha共同开发的一种音频压缩技术VQF的音频压缩率比标准的MPEG音频压缩率高出近一倍,可以达到181左右甚至更高也就是说把一首4分钟的歌曲WAV文件压成MP3,大约需要4MB左右的硬盘空间,而同一首。

2、Reengineering of grain handling in the 1850s was caused by technological and institutional changes that accompanied the invention of the telegraph 1844 and the expansion of the railway1850年期间,伴随着电报的发明及铁路的发展,由技术及行业变革引发了粮食运输的再造工程The speed of。


4、原文减至286字AC Milan kept up the pressure on tabletoppers and city rivals Inter Milan with a 30 win away to Juventus move within eight points of Inter with a game in handAC 米兰客场3比0击败尤文图斯,继续在少赛一场的前提下以8分之差追赶领头羊国米Milan, who had。



2、#39Astonishing, touching, extremely funny A brilliant evocation of a past era and an immensely readable story#39 Sunday Telegraph #39Superb, wonderful, enjoyable#39 Guardian #39A terrific journey through the twentieth century Thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable#39 Jeremy Paxman 作者简介William。

3、每日电讯报Daily Telegraph 这场朝圣作为“逆向”的历史,既是对我们何以存在的深入探寻,又是一种提醒尽管我们傲慢地以为“人类是进化的最终章”,但进化并不以我们为终点祖先的故事正是这样令人满意的作品不仅跟前贤的杰作一样引人深思, 而且更加能够反映出这个主题应有的慷慨与热情道金斯的。
