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pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文


How to speng my pocket moner The best way to spend my pocket money is saving them Although it looks so little now ,but if you save it , with the time going by ,the amount will be more and more May be one dayyou can use it to buy a car for yourself翻译花我;My pocket money is saved in my living expenses, I always use it to buy school supplies, to travel and to buy my favorite snacks;单词发音英 #712m#652ni美 #712m#652ni单词释义n 货币,钱,金钱,资产,财富,工资,财产,报酬单词短语搭配1pocket money零用钱2dirty money不义之财单词造句1He didn#39t look as though he had the money to speculate in shares他看上去不。

当他们长大些,孩子们想要买越来越多的东西时,他们想要的东西比糖果贵,因此他们必须更努力做家务!他们经常洗家庭轿车,切草,遛狗或做饭有些工作对孩子们学习新事物是有帮助的比如,为企事业学会使用割草机割草当然,一开始时他们的父母是帮助他们的What do you do to get pocket money from your;How do you spend your pocket money?你是如何使用你的零花钱的其中,pocket money是零花钱的意思以上是我的回答,希望能够帮助到你。

pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文

pocketmoney翻译是零用钱,pocketmoney是一个组合词,由pocket袋子和money钱组合而成影视原声Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it#39s better to save or spend就像是个刚拿到零用钱的小孩一样,经济学有个很大的问题就是不知道;美国的父母通常认为他们的孩子不应该有更多的口袋里的钱比他定期连接,即使他们是富裕,但也将与富裕的孩子如果一个大家庭,沉重的责任,或者其他条件使它需要少花钱给孩子比在附近不管口袋mongy是,它的整个使用不受控制的,因为一个孩子的父母就学会了使用正确的钱只能通过处理自己如果一个七岁的孩子一;18 pill money 零花钱pocket moneypin money 19 push money 提成 20 ready money 现金 21 seed money 本钱,本金 22 silly money 来路不明的钱 23 smart money 了解内情的人 24 table money 餐费 25 tall money 大笔的财富 26 trust money 委托金 各种钱的英语表达 admission n指。

谁有零钱?翻译成英文是“Who has change?”重点词汇 change 一单词音标 change单词发音英 t#643e#618nd#658 美 t#643e#618nd#658二单词释义 n 变化零钱 v 改变 三词形变化 动词过去式 changed 动词过去分词 changed 动词现在分词 changing;Compared with before , I have more pocket money , but I feel more insipid than before In comparsion with before, I have more small changes, but I feel more dull than before 2 Your biscuit is less than mine ,but mine is not so delicious as yours Your biscuit is not so;选 B 翻译为你怎么赚到零花钱的通过做一些零儿活赚到的比如,打扫房间啊洗碗啊by 是“通过”的意思for是“为了”的意思 with一般表伴随at 一般用于”在什么地方“。

英语in your pocket time显然, 这个短语是不成立的有 pocket money零花钱例如He bought the toy with his pocket money但未找到pocket time 的出处如果再加上介词in, in your pocket time在你的口袋时间里 不知所云;您好,翻译为 All children have much pocket momey now希望帮助你;Scene1 在售货员的家N在一楝黑暗肮脏的房子,在那里住了小肮脏的售卖 sman 他总是制造不健康的糖果而且把他们卖给学生他现在有许多钱但是他制造起来如何糖果哦,北越货币单位他即将到来S哈罗,你认识我吗不哦,让我告诉你我是学校门的出名糖果售货员我的糖果。

pocketmoney翻译-pocket money翻译成中文

翻译For they donate pocket money to them to buy school supplies, sent them to write to them and make friends 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼*^__^*有不会的可以再问我。